Studio News
just listed!
1 Birds Nest casserole, 2 Autumn Song flower bowls, 2 red poppy bowls, 2 owl soap dishes, 1 set bird plates, 1 minimalist tray, and 1 love birds luminary. These...
10/27- Birds Nest casseroles, large flower bowls, mugs
My new kiln load had spectacular Birds Nest casseroles, Autumn Song flower bowls, and Joyful Blaze mugs. I have more faceted mugs, small owl bowls and keepsake boxes in progress....
9/2/12 new work available
Happy Labor Day weekend to those in the US. It's also my anniversary today, and I started out unloading a kiln, which was beautiful! I have 1 extra Birds nest casserole,...
Just in: Birds Nest Casseroles, Organic Soul Nesting Bowl Set, Turquoise Sunset Flower Bowl, and small owl bowls
On Sunday August 19th, look for Autumn Song Flower Bowls, Turquoise Sunset Flower Bowls, small Flower Bowls in all colors, Textured Lace Bowls, and more small Owl Bowls. Thank...
next kiln load: July 22
Lots of everyone's favorites are firing now, and will get listed by Sunday, July 22. Look for very limited quantities of Birds Nest casseroles, large flower bowls, owl bowls, textured lace...
Look for these 9/12- 9/13
In the kiln now: Birds Nest casseroles (just a few), love bird keepsake boxes, 1 large flower bowl and mugs (new designs). In progress, coming next week: more birds Nest...